Welcome to Troop 108’s home on the web.
This is where we can share our advancements and events for anyone to see.
As we have campouts and trips, we will update this site with pictures and stories.
Scoutmaster Minute:
The Boy Scouts of America prepares our young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. These values represented by the Scout Oath and Scout Law are not mere slogans. They are values that the Youth Program seeks to make real and pertinent to young people. In the future Scouting will continue to : offer young people responsible, fun adventure; train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership; serve America’s communities and families with a quality, value-based program; instill lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law. (BSA Mission&Vision)